Check with your organization about what descriptive, administrative, technical, rights, and preservation metadata for your digital content. Use the PAIMAS standard as a guide for negotiating what information the Producer of the content will provide and what the Archives of the digital content needs. Producer-Archives Interface Method Abstract Standard is one of the OAIS family of standards.
There are both automated and manual methods of extracting and creating metadata. Metadata for digital content may be produced in different parts of an organization and some of that metadata may be duplicative. A tool can also create or extract the same metadata as another because of their similar purposes. The COPTR website is a good place to look for and learn about metadata tools such as for metadata extraction.
DPM Workshop https://dpworkshop.org/dpm-eng/foundation/metadata/adding.html
PAIMAS Are you using PAIMAS to guide your digital content ingest?
DuraCloud SyncTool https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DURACLOUDDOC/DuraCloud+Sync+Tool#DuraCloudSyncTool-Metadata
https://coptr.digipres.org/index.php/Main_Page Community Owned digital Preservation Tools Registry - Metadata