DSpace 7 Upgrades Task Force
Charge: Work with TDL staff to test DSpace 7 in the TDL hosting environment, and to educate the TDL user community about differences with DSpace 6 in preparation for upgrades.
October 2022-February 2023
Alexa Hight, TAMUCC
Colleen Lyon, UT Austin
Mary Rausch, West Texas A&M
Charity Stokes, Texas A&M
Laura Waugh, Texas State
Ima Oduok, TDL
Nicholas Woodward, TDL
Nick Lauland, TDL
Kristi Park, TDL
Webinar/presentation for the DSpace User Group outlining key differences and new functionality in DSpace 7
List of documentation and policy creation needs prior to DSpace 7 upgrades
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1opoGR6Lwry5GXE-kWgkBn79p8CZrWnoh?usp=sharing Google Drive
DSpace 7.x Documentation - DSpace 7.x Documentation - LYRASIS Wiki (created by DSpace Community Advisory Team)
Learning DSpace - DSpace 7.x Documentation - LYRASIS Wiki