In-Person Meeting: IMLS Planning for DDP Storage of Private and Sensitive Data, December 6th
DATE: Friday, December 6, 2019
TIME: 9am to 4pm CST (be sure to set your clocks to Central Time)
LOCATION: UT Austin, Perry Castañeda Library (PCL), Room 1.124
ADDRESS: 101 East 21st Street, Austin, Texas, 78712
UT Austin Campus Map
Google Map
Optional: In-person attendees are invited to join TDL for dinner (pay your own way) on Thursday, Dec 6. RSVP requested.
Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019
Time: Meet at 6:30pm
Location: Clay Pit, 1601 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701
Payment: Dutch treat / pay your own
RSVP: Please respond by Friday, Nov 22, 2019.
For remote attendees:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 333 997 725
Refreshments provided: Gluten free and vegetarian options available.
- 8am Breakfast: breakfast tacos with fresh salsa
- 12-1pm Lunch: sandwiches, garden salad, Mediterranean nibbles, iced tea
- Afternoon snacks: brownies, bars, and cookies
- All-day beverages: Coffee, decaf, hot tea, iced water
Time | Objective | Lead | Details and Resource Links |
8AM - 845 | Breakfast and Nesting | ||
8:45 - 9:15 | Welcome and Introductions | Courtney Mumma (TDL), Kristi Park (TDL) and Sibyl Schaefer (UCSD) | The project leads will review the agenda and go over logistics. Then, we will ask for introductions: Provide your name, institution, and interest in this project. |
9:15 - 10:00 | Presentation: Overview of the Investigation Q&A (15 min) | Courtney and Hesam Andalib (GRA, UT Austin) Moderator - Kristi Park | Link to slides and shared notes document (PDF of shared notes) PI Courtney Mumma and GRA Hesam Andalib will summarize the problem we are trying to address with this planning grant, describe the project partners and their roles, outline our methodology, and discuss potential outcomes. Meeting participants will have opportunity for Q&A with the project leads. |
10-10:30 | Small Groups: Use Cases for Private and Sensitive Data Preservation | Moderator - Courtney Mumma | Link to Confluence use cases gathered so far Small groups will discuss use cases in which various types of private and sensitive content should be preserved in a distributed network as well as any perceived barriers to doing so. Each group should pick one or more use cases to determine the most likely challenges an institution might have when trying to preserve that set of content. Participants will be in groups, with remote attendees forming one group. Materials provided: pens, sticky notes, white boards and markers. |
10:30-10:45 | Health Break and Group Photo | ||
10:45 - 11:15 | Use Case Report Out and Group Discussion | Moderator - Sibyl Schaefer Whiteboarder - Kristi | Each small group will summarize their discussions to the whole group. Then, together, we'll use the materials provided and white boards to classify and prioritize them. |
11:15- 12PM | Presentation: Current state of agreements in DDP networks and private and sensitive data storage services | Courtney and Hesam | Link to slides and DDP service agreements on Confluence This presentation will include a review of where and what kind of agreements are in place for existing DDP networks (Chronopolis, TDL Digital Preservation Services, APTrust, DuraCloud). Such connections include agreements between infrastructure nodes as well as service contracts and agreements that enable DDP networks to function. Additionally, we'll review the agreements, policies and procedures that allow TACC and SDSC to accept private and sensitive data. We'll conclude this discussion by asking the group about what is missing in this investigation and what roadblocks related to contracting for services have you experienced at your institution? |
12 - 1 | Lunch (provided) | ||
1 - 3:15 | Facilitated Discussion: Identify Elements of a DDP network for Private and Sensitive Data (health breaks as needed) | Kristi, Sibyl, Courtney | We will outline components of a service model, including a service proposition; key actors in design and governance; user interaction; technology and human resources needed for service delivery; associated costs; and metrics for evaluating performance. Breakouts discussing and providing collective feedback about:
3:15 - 3:45 | Closing | Courtney Mumma | Summarize the day and outline objectives for the remainder of the grant term. |
- Jaime Combariza, Director MARCC, Johns Hopkins University
- Bill Branan, Senior Engineering Lead, LYRASIS
- Shi Dong, Research Assistant, Northeastern University
- Danielle Whitehair, Sherlock Project Manager, San Diego Supercomputer Center (virtual)
- Jen Stone, Principal Security Analyst, SecurityMetrics
- Chris Jordan, Data Management Group Lead, Texas Advanced Computing Center
- Nathaniel Mendoza, Manager, Networking, Security & Operations, Texas Advanced Computing Center
- Hesam Andalib, Graduate Research Assistant, Texas Digital Library
- Lea DeForest, Communications Manager, Texas Digital Library
- Courtney Mumma, Deputy Director, Texas Digital Library
- Kristi Park, Executive Director, Texas Digital Library
- Alex Suarez, Administrative Associate, Texas Digital Library
- Lauren Goodley, Archivist, Texas State University
- Andrew Greaves, Enterprise Cloud Architect, University of California - San Diego (virtual)
- Tim Marconi, Director of IT, University of California - San Diego (virtual)
- David Minor, Manager, Bio-Med Library, University of California - San Diego
- Sibyl Schaefer, Chronopolis Program Manager, University of California - San Diego
- Ramona Holmes, Associate Director, University of North Texas Health Science Center
- Ashley Adair, Digital Archivist, University of Texas at Austin
- David Bliss, Digital Processing Archivist, University of Texas at Austin
- Susan Kung, AILLA Archives Manager, University of Texas at Austin
- Chianta Dorsey, University Archivist, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- Kelly Gonzalez, Assistant Vice President for Library Services, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- Chip German, Program Director, APTrust, University of Virginia
Nearby lodging options
Transportation options
- Parking: TDL has parking passes for you for the Brazos Garage, located two blocks from the PCL.
- Ride-share: RideAustin, Uber, Lyft
- Public Transportation: Capital Metro
- Walk: If you are staying at one of our recommended hotels, the PCL is within walking distance.
- AT&T Center = 0.2 mile (approximately three blocks west; four minute walk)
- Hampton Inn = 0.4 mile (approximately six blocks southwest; nine minute walk)
- Carpool: TDL can help set up a carpool. Just let us know.
We will meet for dinner the evening before at Clay Pit at 7pm (optional).
Area dining options for dining on your own within very close walking distance of the Hampton Inn or AT&T Conference Center:
Arturo’s Underground Cafe
314 W 17th Street, Austin, Texas
Excellent coffee / espresso and breakfast tacos
Lavaca Teppan
1712 Lavaca Street, Austin, Texas
Light Japanese fare for lunch, happy hour, or dinner
Sushi Junai
1612 Lavaca Street, Austin, Texas
All-you-can-eat sushi lunch special
Clay Pit
1601 Guadalupe Street, Austin, Texas
Contemporary Indian cuisine
From the project proposal narrative, page 6:
Project leads, GRA, and invited participants:
- Convene in Austin, TX.
- Project leads at TDL and UCSD will present information about existing storage services, including non-PII distributed digital preservation services provided by TDL and Chronopolis, as well as PII-compliant (but non-distributed) storage at TACC and SDSC.
- Attendees will discuss information compiled to-date in the “Gather Data” and “Determine Technical Requirements” stages of the project, including institutional use cases. We will discuss and expand on use cases and work together to discuss and identify the gaps between existing services and a distributed digital preservation service for PII.
- After a discussion, we will outline components of a service model, including a service proposition; key actors in design and governance; user interaction; technology and human resources needed for service delivery; associated costs; and metrics for evaluating performance.
The IMLS Planning Grant allows for reimbursement of travel expenses* for one attendee from each of the following institutions. However, all partner institutions are welcome to register more attendees with the understanding that the grant will not fund that travel.
- AP Trust
- Dell Medical School
- Johns Hopkins / MARCC
- Northeastern University
- Security Metrics
- Smithsonian Institute
- Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
- Texas Digital Library (TDL)
- UNT Health Science Center
- UT Southwestern Medical Center
* Note: UC-San Diego Libraries is a subawardee on the project. The grant will fund travel for three attendees from UCSD.
Texas Digital Library is housed at The University of Texas at Austin, and UT is our fiscal agent. All payments and reimbursements will be processed via UT Austin. Lea will email each of you individually to walk you through this process.
Before your trip:
- Complete Payee Information Form (PIF)
- Send email to Lea with the following information:
- Attach a signed copy of PIF plus a photocopy of your driver's license or state ID.
- Your dates of travel (arrival date & departure date)
- Your departure city and airfare
- Your estimated hotel cost
- Your estimated ground travel cost
- Your estimated per diem (up to $51/day for meals and incidentals)
After your trip:
- Save all print and e-reciepts.
- Complete the reimbursement form. Note: You do not need to print out and sign the reimbursement form. Just type your name in the signature line.
- Send scanned and/or forwarded receipts along with the completed reimbursement form to Lea at TDL: email