TDR Member Onboarding

TDR Member Onboarding

Service Manager steps for onboarding a new TDR Member institution and liaison.


Ask staff at member institution to complete this form to facilitate repository setup in the TDR: https://forms.gle/nxMCFjaHQ6K38AAJA
Use the form answers to generate a helpdesk ticket to start the process of creating the repository. Assign it to the sysadmin.
Ask liaison to complete and return the https://texasdigitallibrary.atlassian.net/l/cp/TqXmu5FR
Add liaison to the Help page on the wiki: https://texasdigitallibrary.atlassian.net/l/cp/5tvmw3Mq
Add liaison to TDR SC listserv
Add liaison to the TDR SC recurring meeting and Google Drive
Once the repository is set up and ready, schedule a one and a half hour TDR overview meeting the liaison and any other staff who wish to be included. In this meeting, the Service Manager host reviews the TDR admin interface, user interface, helpdesk procedures, user documentation, policies, shared TDR resources (DMP text, Harvard docs, onboarding slide deck, etc), TDR SC roles and responsibilities, reports, etc. Allow time for Q&A from the member representatives.
Create a Helpdesk ticket for the senior developer to add the liaison (name and email) to the bimonthly Dataverse reports.


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