2016 Vireo Users Group Meeting

2016 Vireo Users Group Meeting

A meeting of the Vireo Users Group took place on September 27, 2016 at the USETDA conference in Columbus, OH led by me and Ryan Steans, Assistant Director of Texas Digital Library. We talked about the organization, history and current status of Vireo development, and a super quick tour of Vireo 3 for those who came to learn a little more about Vireo and are considering adoption.

During a Q&A we learned that most of our users are on Version 3, but some are still on a version of Vireo 2. Vireo 3 brought several new features (custom emails triggered by change of status; ORCID integration; customizable columns and filters for use in working with submissions, exporting, and reporting; ability to make custom action checklist items visible to student; and many, many, more improvements and fixes) so we highly recommend that you use the latest version.

There was also a lot of interest in how institutions handle their embargoed submissions. Vireo does not automatically release documents at the expiration of an embargo. So the choice of whether to keep the entire submission in Vireo, or whether to export the submission to your IR but hide everything except the abstract and metadata, is up to the discretion of the institution.

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the meeting. If there are any conversations you would like to continue, please feel free to bring them up here.

Stephanie Larrison

Co-Chair, Vireo Users Group
Electronic Resources Librarian
Texas State University


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