Vireo end user tasks for 2/18/2019 - 3/8/2019 Community Sprint

Testing site:

After registration at test site, a sprint coach will change your role so that you have access to the staff side of Vireo 4.

The following tasks need to be completed by VUG members who normally work in the staff side

A. Searching List View- Customize filters in List View by adding fields you would normally want to search, such as "Last Name" Test to see if the filters work as expected (task updated 2/18/2019)  This task has been assigned

B. Where do these Settings show up in the staff side View of submission or in exports?

  • Current Submission Semester
  • Degree Granting School

C. Role Testing  This task has been assigned

Confirm privileges for the Manager, and Reviewer roles. A sprint manager can assign your Manager role after you register.  It is best to create separate registrations to test the Manager and Reviewer roles.  You can do this by registering with new  addresses. Logged in as the Administrator, go to Settings, Application, Who Has Access.  Locate your Manager and Reviewer names and change to applicable role. 

After all roles have been created, login with the Reviewer profile first.

  • Can this role review and modify submissions?  Moved to next sprint - There is a bug blocking use of this role #1106
  • Is the Settings tab (next to List and View tabs) visible to this role?  A: No

Login with the Manager profile. 

  • Can this role review and modify submissions?  - Yes
  • Is the Settings tab (next to List and View tabs) visible to this role? Yes
  • If so, are the subtabs of Application, Workflow Management, and Organization visible to this role? Yes
  • If so, can this role open each section of the Application tab beginning with Submission Availability?  Yes
  • Can this role change roles of others?   Yes, excluding Admin. Go to Settings, Application, Who Has Access and try to change a Manager, Reviewer or Student role.  You should not be able to change an Admin role.   Correct
  • Can this role open each section of the Workflow Management (subtab of Settings) beginning with Organization Settings?  Yes
  • If so, can this role edit or create new controlled vocabularies?   Open the "Controlled Vocabulary Management" section and click on "Add Controlled Vocabulary"  Does a new window pop up?  Yes. If so, click Cancel to close. 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Controlled Vocabulary Section.  In the table, click on the pencil icon to edit something.  Done
  • DO NOT EDIT anything in the Metadata Keys section of Workflow Management. 
  • Can this role open the Organization subtab of Settings?  Yes
  • Confirm that the Institution link under the "Organizations and Workflows" heading is grayed out. - No.  Issue #1111

The following tasks are for documentation.  Volunteers will compare specific documentation from Vireo 3 and compare how it applies to the Vireo 4 experience.  The updates needed can be provided by screenshots, edited text, or by any other effective means. 

C. Documentation - Look and Feel

In Vireo 4 go to Application then Look and Feel.  How does this compare to the text at ? What updates are needed?

D. Documentation - Workflow Management

ProQuest/UMI Settings and Degree Codes, ProQuest Institution Code, Indexed By Search Engines, Degree Codes, and Submission License sections at at 

E. Documentation - Application Settings

Using the text at  as a guide, test Vireo 4 for relevance and indicate where updates are needed. 

  • Default License Agreement
  • Set up of Deposit Locations

F. Review the Excel export file for accuracy  This task has been assigned

As in Vireo 3, this feature is found in the Batch Operations box in the List View. 

  • Do all columns and rows in the current List view appear in the Excel export?
  • Are all the values in the current List view appear in the Excel export?  
  • If there are checkboxes, are they displaying accurately within the Excel file – or reformatted in a logical manner?

The following tasks need to be completed by VUG members who work with repository metadata.

Review all files in DSpace Simple Archive export for accuracy.  Files include metadata_local, metadata_thesis, Dublin_core, and contents. This task has been assigned

Review the MarcXML21 export. Are the MARC and xml files accurate?  (Fixed by not merged into test code.  Moving to future community sprint 2/20/2019)