- If not a DPN user, the member signs DP Services contract and chooses storage option(s). If DPN user, proceed to #2.
- SysAdmin sets up new AWS space in DuraCloud@TDL.
- Dev prepares space using the following format: https://member-dcloud.tdl.org/
- Member user goes to https://duracloud-mc.tdl.org to create a profile and reports username to TDL helpdesk.
- TDL gives user permissions in their space.
- Member user installs and sets up Sync Tool. Instructions from DuraCloud here: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DURACLOUDDOC/DuraCloud+Sync+Tool
- Member consults with DP services manager to set up folders for syncing and select appropriate Sync Tool settings.
See details for DPN and Chronopolis here: