What version of DSpace will our repository be upgraded to?
Version 7.6
Where can I test DSpace 7 outside of my production repository?
TDL members can use TDL’s DSpace 7 demo site for testing and training. See DSpace 7 Demo.
What is the OAI endpoint URL?
The OAI endpoint URL for external harvesters changes with the repository’s upgrade to DSpace 7. The old (version 6) URL was: [base URL]/oai/request?verb=Identify (e.g. https://asu-ir.tdl.org/oai/request?verb=Identify).
The new (version 7.x) URL is: [base URL]/oai/request?verb=Identify (e.g. https://asu-ir.tdl.org/server/oai/request?verb=Identify
What is the SWORD deposit location URL for Vireo?
The SWORD deposit location URL for Vireo has changed with the upgrade to version 7.6. The pattern for the SWORD service document has changed slightly in v7, from HTTP://[HOSTNAME]/[SWORD-WEBAPP]/SERVICEDOCUMENT to HTTP://[HOSTNAME]/server/[SWORD-WEBAPP]/SERVICEDOCUMENT.
Can I change “Log in with Shibboleth” text?
Yes. Please submit a helpdesk ticket to support@tdl.org.
More context: When you click “Log in,” you have the option to “Log in” (via email and password) and “Log in with Shibboleth.” TDL can customize the “Log in with Shibboleth” text to something more user friendly like “Log in with my institutional ID.”