TDL DSpace hosting service
TDL DSpace hosting service
This section of the wiki contains information about Texas Digital Library's DSpace hosting service.
TDL hosts Digital Repositories for its members using open source DSpace. DSpace preserves and enables easy and open access to all types of digital content including text, images, moving images, mpegs and data sets. Development of DSpace has been supported by global community of developers under the guidance of LYRASIS. Texas Digital Library supports ongoing development of DSpace through a Platinum membership in the DSpace Project.
TDL's Digital Repository hosting service includes:
- Hosted installation of DSpace for each institution
- Basic theming of DSpace in mobile-friendly theme
- Persistent links (“handles”) using open standard
- All system administration handled by TDL staff
- Local repository management and control
- Integration with local campus authentication (via Shibboleth)
- Monthly usage reports
- TDL Helpdesk Support and the TDL DSpace Users Group
- Basic DSpace training via web conference
- Optional add-ons:
- Replication to TDL Digital Preservation Storage via Replication Task Suite
- DOI integration (member institution must have Datacite membership)
More about TDL-hosted DSpace repositories