How to participate

How to participate

Vireo User Group

If you would like more information about the Vireo Users Group, including how to join the Steering Committee, please contact the TDL Program Coordinator at info@tdl.org.

Membership is open to any Vireo user, regardless of membership in the Texas Digital Library; this includes non-Texas institutions. Although the VUG is sponsored by the TDL, it welcomes participation by Vireo users and potential users worldwide.

Email Discussion List

  • If you would like to join the Vireo Users Group listserv, and to be added to the growing list of Vireo Users Group members, please use the SUBSCRIBE feature at this link or contact the Texas Digital Library at info@tdl.org.

Slack Channel

  • Anyone engaging with Vireo may join the vireo-oss-community slack channel, administered by the Texas Digital LIbrary. To be added, send a request to the Vireo User Group email discussion list.

Submit your Institutional Profile

  • TDL, Vireo’s OSS development home, wants to know who you are. The Steering Committee has developed a survey that takes about 5-10 minutes to complete which will help the lead developers and SC better understand the make-up of our community of users, which will in turn help us develop better methods for understanding your needs over time. These ‘institutional profiles’ will be added to our Vireo user documentation and allow us to work more closely with users and developers at institutions outside of TDL.


    >>> Please complete this Google Form:  https://forms.gle/fiECiUxksvLcWMxn9 <<<


  • Report issues and interact with the core software developers via the Github.

Community Sprints

  • The core development team will at times arrange to involve the community in sprints. Community sprints will be announced via the Vireo User Group listserv.

  • During sprint weeks, the team expects that you attempt to clear your schedule enough to work on few tickets/tasks during the sprint. At the beginning of the sprint, you might be asked for your estimated availability (e.g. 20% time or 1 day each week, 40% time or 2 days each week, etc), which allows the team leads to steer you toward tickets achievable within your available time. You may also specify your exact availability in the signup form provided before the sprint.

  • You will be expected to manage your own work schedule, attend minimal meetings & report your ongoing progress.

  • You will be expected to have some existing knowledge of and proactive in learning any new Vireo concepts. While you are more than welcome to use this Sprint as a learning experience, we will not have any formalized training/workshops during the Sprint itself.

  • You will be expected to be proactive in asking for help or asking questions if you get stuck. Ongoing support will be available on Slack (#vireo-oss-community) from Sprint Coaches and other participants.

  • Technology/skills prerequisites:

    • UI:  angular.js Version 1

    • Backend: Java, spring-boot & JPA/Hibernate on the backend

  • Note that Vireo is built using Texas A&M's web application framework, Weaver: GitHub - TAMULib/Weaver-UI-Core: An open source Angular.js module for the Weaver-Webservice-Core.  and GitHub - TAMULib/Weaver-Webservice-Core: An open source Spring-boot webservice framework.

  • If you are working on development tasks you may follow the direct deployment proscribed in the README or you use https://github.com/TexasDigitalLibrary/Vireo4VagrantAnsibleDeploy  to build vireo4 within a virtual machine.  The latter option will require the installation of Vagrant, VirtualBox, and Ansible.

  • Sprint coaches should be available during both sprint weeks for help getting up to speed / answering questions / debugging issues / pair programming requests, etc. 

User Feature requests

Feature requests should be shared with the Vireo Users Group by contacting tdl-vireo@utlists.utexas.edu. Items will be added to the list upon receipt, and at a certain point during the year, users with active installations of Vireo will have opportunity to vote on the list of items. Highly requested features will be prioritized, translated into user stories, and shared with the TDL product owner and development group to guide future development.

This list should not be used for bug-reporting or to request Vireo support. To report errors or bugs to TDL, please contact the TDL Helpdesk in one of two ways:

  1. Via web form: http://www.tdl.org/support/

  2. Via e-mail: support@tdl.org


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