VUG Institutional Profiles

VUG Institutional Profiles


If you would like your institution to be represented, please complete the Vireo Institutional Profile Form.

Below, you’ll find entries from a call for profiles in 2021.


Georgia Institute of Technology is part of the University System of Georgia.

Leiden University

  • Leiden University uses Vireo for bachelor and master theses (CRIS for the rest) from 7 departments.

  • Leiden manages 1928 ETDs with 1486 embargoed.

  • ETDs are placed in Islandora IR only. The student theses are not considered scholarly output and therefore only available through our own repository. We do not actively add them to other services. Proquest is not an option because Proquest conflicts with the licenses.

Texas Woman's University

  • Vireo is hosted and supported by TDL, and managed in a partnership between the graduate school and library.

  • TWU manages 501 ETDs for 5 schools and 22 departments, with 210 embargoed.

  • ETDs are catalogued and placed in their TDL-hosted DSpace IR.

Sam Houston State University is part of the Texas State university system.

  • Vireo is hosted and supported by TDL, and managed in a partnership between the thesis office and library.

  • SHSU manages 633 ETDs for 8 schools and 37 departments, with 24 embargoed.

  • ETDs are catalogued and placed in their TDL-hosted DSpace IR, but only those without permanent embargoes are processed through Vireo.

Texas State University is part of the Texas State university system.

  • Two instances of Vireo 3, one for the Graduate College and the other for the Honors College, are hosted and supported by local IT, and managed in a partnership between Technology Resources and library.

  • TSU manages 2648 ETDs with 187 embargoed.

  • ETDs are catalogued and placed in their Atmire-hosted DSpace IR and ProQuest.

University of Texas at Dallas is part of the University of Texas System.

  • Vireo is hosted and supported by TDL, and managed in a partnership between the graduate school and library. The Office of Graduate Education contacts the library after all ETDs for a semester are ready for publication. The Library handles publication with ProQuest, the Office of Graduate Education reports to the Survey of Earned Doctorates each semester.

  • UT Dallas has 8 schools with 32 departments, with 1432 ETDs and 549 embargoed.

  • ETDs are catalogued and placed in their TDL-hosted DSpace IR and sent to ProQuest.

  • Each section of the graduate office manages a different area of graduate education. The Graduate Reader team reviews dissertations and theses for formatting, managed by the Associate Dean for Graduate Education. The office transitioned from paper reviews to ETDs and reviews via Vireo in 2016. Dissertations and theses come to the office at least two weeks before the candidate's scheduled defense, are format reviewed, and the student submits again post-defense with changes made. The office works with candidates to complete final formatting and administrative requirements for dissertation/thesis approval. At the end of the semester the approved ETDs are sent to the Library for the publication process.

  • The graduate school provides written guides and workshops explaining the Vireo submission process.

University of Texas Libraries is part of the University of Texas System.

  • Vireo is hosted and supported by TDL, and managed in a partnership between the graduate school and library. UT were early adopters of Vireo.

  • ETDs are catalogued and placed in their TDL-hosted DSpace IR Texas Scholarworks.

  • The Office of Graduate Studies requires students to upload their ETDs to Vireo by a certain date each semester. The Degree Evaluators check the ETDs for formatting and communicate any necessary requests to the student through Vireo. When any embargoes have expired and the format checking is complete, the Degree Evaluators mark the documents as ready for publication and the catalogers take over. OGS started accepting ETDs in 2001 and started requiring it for PhDs in 2008 and in 2010 for Master's students.

UT Southwestern Medical Center is part of the University of Texas System.

  • Vireo is hosted and supported by TDL, and managed by the library on behalf of the Graduate and Medical schools. Each school (Graduate & Medical) has a primary contact person responsible for reviewing and approving submitted ETDs in Vireo.

  • UTSW-Medical manages 874 ETDs with 163 embargoed. A default embargo period of 2 years is automatically set for all submissions, unless the student -- with mentor approval -- waives it for immediate release upon degree conferral.

  • ETDs are catalogued and placed in their TDL-hosted DSpace IR.


Below is the deprecated template for institutional profiles pre-2021:


Profiles should be updated regularly and we encourage you to update your profile frequently to note any significant changes.

Profiles of Member Institutions

Johns Hopkins, University, June 2013

Texas State University, October 2015

Texas Tech University, October 2015

University of Houston, May 2010

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 2010

University of Texas at Austin, May 2010

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, June 2010


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