Communications for upgrades

Communications for upgrades

Email template to prepare DPS members for upgrades:

TO: All Digital Preservation Services subscribers

SUBJECT: YOUR TECHNICAL ACTION REQUIRED to complete upgrade to TDL DuraCloud Version X.X.X

TDL will upgrade to version X.X.X of DuraCloud@TDL on DAY, DATE, before 9AM. This will align our production installation with that of Lyrasis' DuraSpace and is part of TDL’s effort to keep in step with their releases and management processes, ultimately improving the service we can provide TDL Digital Preservation Services members. TDL Developer Nick Woodward has contributed significant code changes and improvements to this new version.

You will need to take the following actions for your locally installed tools to continue using your instance of TDL DuraCloud after DAY, DATE, TIME:

Upgrade your Sync Tool (LINK)**

  • Make sure there isn't any stale Sync Tool XML configuration in your HOME directory. Close the SyncTool by closing your browser, and then find the Duracloud icon in your Task Bar and right click and select "Exit". Then go to your HOME folder and search for a folder called "duracloud-sync-work". Inside that folder you should delete the "duracloud-sync-ui-config.xml" file and the "/backup" folder. 

  • The new SyncTool runs on Java #. If you still have Java prior#, you will need to upgrade that first.


**For more detailed information, or if you’re starting from scratch, please follow these instructions:

[LINK TO Installation of Sync and Retrieval Tools page for X.X.X Version]

Highlights from the new release:

  • thing

  • thing

  • thing

As always, use the TDL helpdesk (support@tdl.org) if you have any questions or complications during your process.