Glossary of Common Google Analytics Metrics

Glossary of Common Google Analytics Metrics





A visit to the website consisting of one or more pageviews, along with events, ecommerce transactions and other interactions.

Life Cycle → Engagement → Events →Scroll to table columns labeled “sessions” and “sessions per user”

Average Session Duration

Provides a top-level view of how long users are spending on the website.

Life Cycle → Engagement → Pages and Screens → horizontally scroll to “Average Session Duration “column.

Path Through the Site

See the previous pages users went to before arriving at this page and the pages users went to after they were on this page.

For this report I used a “path explorer” custom report. Simply put, you can see how your users/visitors use the website/app. You can see what kind of events/pages occurred first, and if you click on a certain branch, you can see what pages/events occurred after that.


Shows all the websites (by domain) that are sending traffic.

Life Cycle → Acquisition → Referral Traffic Report

Site Content Reports

Provides various content-focused views showing how users interact with site content.

 All Pages: Shows behavioral stats on individual pages of the website.

 Content Pages: Like the “all Pages” report but instead groups pages by the sub-directory which they reside on the website.

 Landing Pages: Focus on examining landing page behavior and metrics.

 Exit Pages: Highlights data related to where users leave the website.

Exit Reports: Explore → Click “Site Content Reports: Exit Pages”

Landing Pages: Life Cycle → Engagement → Landing Page

All Pages: Life Cycle → Engagement → Pages and Screens

Content Pages for each institution:  Life Cycle → Engagement → Pages and Screens → Click Edit Comparison → Select ‘Page Path and Screen Class → Type Desired URL → Remove Existing Comparisons → Click Apply → New data Appears for just that school → Export as CSV

Bounce Rate

The percentage of sessions with users who visit only one page on a website before leaving.

Bounce rate by traffic source view each individual channel that led traffic to the website. 

Life Cycle → Engagement → Pages and Screens → horizontally scroll to “Bounce Rate” column




Search Terms

Terms users are utilizing as they search the website. 

Realtime: Life Cycle → Engagement → Events → Scroll down to table and click “view_search_results” → in the table on the right hand side any search terms in the past 30 minutes will appear.

Custom Report: Go to “Explore” → Click “Search Terms/Keywords” Report

Number of Pageviews

Pageviews is the total number of pages viewed. Repeated views of a single page are counted.

Life Cycle → Engagement → Pages and Screens → View table (first column is Views and third column is Views per User)

Mode of Access

view performance based on the different devices people are using to experience the website.

Life Cycle → Tech →Tech Overview → Scroll down to “Users by Operating System”

 Life Cycle → Tech →Tech Overview → Scroll down to “Users by Platform/device category”

Unique pageviews

Unique Pageview tracks a view of a page without counting duplicates from the same user during the same session.

GA-4 has removed unique pageviews and replaces them with users and views.

Life Cycle → Engagement →Pages and Screens → horizontally scroll to “users” and “views” columns.

Views represents a view of a page on your site, and is identical to the UA Pageview 

Users represents the number of users that visited a specific page

Users from referring site

Shows pages that refer visitors to this page.

Life Cycle → Acquisition → Referral Traffic Report

Users directed from search engines

Shows which pages on the website that led visitors to this specific page.

Life Cycle → Acquisition → Referral Traffic Report


Tracks user’s location based on IP address.

User → Demographic Details: Country

Returning vs New Users

New users are users who have never been to the website, according to Google’s tracking; returning users have visited your site before.

See custom report in “explore” tab


Life Cycle → Acquisition → Referral Traffic Report

Number of New Users

New users are users who have never been to the website

Life Cycle → Acquisition → User Acquisition




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