Help Videos Vireo 3

Help Videos Vireo 3

Student Submission

Students submit their theses or dissertations through Vireo Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Management System. The Student Submission video walks students step by step through the submission process.

Columns and Filters

Vireo supports the creation of lists and reports of theses and dissertations in the system.  The Columns and Filters video shows administrative users how to filter lists of ETDs, how to save and manage lists, and how to generate reports using the new columns feature in Vireo.

Configurable Settings

Administrative users are able to manage configurable settings in Vireo such as available embargo types, departments, documents, etc.  This video highlights how to edit and add new fields in configurable settings, specifically adding and editing embargoes and administrative groups.

ProQuest Export

Vireo supports the publication of theses and dissertations to ProQuest/UMI.  The ProQuest Export video shows administrative users how to correctly configure settings in Vireo to export theses and dissertations to ProQuest.

Email Workflow

Vireo now supports the creation of email workflow rules.  Administrative users are able to create email workflows to send emails to certain groups when an ETD has obtained a certain status (submitted, corrections received, approved, pending publication, or published).  This video shows users how to successfully create and edit workflow email rules.


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