Vireo allows administrative Managers to configure one or more repositories as destinations for published ETDs. This area is provides technical specifications for publishing.
The type of IT protocol used to transfer the document(s) from Vireo to the repository. Note: The chosen protocol will affect the meaning/encoding of other fields in this window, such as Repository location. Because Texas Digital Library member installations use the SWORD protocol, the remainder of the definitions here will refer to deposit locations utilizing SWORDv1.
If using DSpace 1.8 or higher you need to specify the SWORD version1 webapp. Vireo does not support SWORD version2 at this time.
The metadata schema to be used in the deposit. For SWORD deposits into DSpace, this format must be configured to be available in DSpace; therefore, it is recommended that DSpaceMETS is chosen.
The URL of the deposit location. If using SWORD, this URL should be for the Service Document that describes the repository’s SWORD interface.
Note | ||||
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If using SWORD to deposit into TDL-hosted DSpace version 6.x, the URL will be:
Where sword-webapp is the location where your DSpace SWORD web application is deployed |
. For DSpace version 7.x, the location of the SWORD Service Document is
Collection (Please get collections)
Select the collection in DSpace where the deposit should be placed
Repository Timeout
This setting controls the number of seconds that Vireo will try to connect to DSpace (or another deposit location) before it closes the connection. The default value is 240.
Warning | ||
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Known Issue with Deposit Locations in Vireo 4.2.5 Users may be unable to add a new deposit location without doing performing this workaround: There is a timeout value of “240” on the deposit location creation page. Erase that and manually re-enter “240" (without the quotes). It appears to be interpreting the default as an int and a manually typed in identical 240 as a string and then works. |
Collection (Please get collections)
Select the collection in DSpace where the deposit should be placed
Repository Timeout
This setting controls the number of seconds that Vireo will try to connect to DSpace (or another deposit location) before it closes the connection. The default value is 60.
Username and password
The administrative username and password used to access the SWORD service document.
Note | ||
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For TDL-hosted DSpace users: This username and password cannot be for a user account that logs in via Shibboleth (i.e. institutional credentials). |
On Behalf Of
The name of the person who will be recorded as making the deposit. This field can be left blank.