Procedure for DSpace Trainings

Procedure for DSpace Trainings

This document outlines for procedures for delivering DSpace training and is intended for current TDL DSpace members who will lead and/or coordinate workshops.

For new members or users interested in receiving DSpace training go to DSpace Training.

This procedure describes how to assure that DSpace training for TDL members is effective and available for TDL’s DSpace Training and Education Group’s (DTEG) training and outreach efforts. 

TDL retains https://training-ir.tdl.org/password-login for use by liaisons and staff in outreach and training of new users, as well as testing of new DSpace releases by liaisons prior to production upgrades. The training instance for DSpace is active M-F from 7:30AM until 5:30PM.

When a TDL staff member and/or liaison is planning to use the training DSpace for a workshop or training of more than a couple users, TDL recommends the following procedure:


  1. Liaison/staff member creates a Helpdesk ticket at support@tdl.org at least ONE week in advance of the workshop with the following information:

    1. Date and Time of the event

    2. Estimated number of attendees

    3. Estimated number of files uploaded and largest file size. TDL requests keeping any sample well under 150MB.

  2. TDL staff will update integral staff via the Helpdesk ticket and an internal TDL calendar invitation for the date and time of the event so they may be on alert during the training to avoid any issues which may interrupt a successful workshop.

  3. TDL staff will create a web conference meeting link and send it with a calendar invitation to the trainer and trainees.

    1. If using Bluejeans, be sure to use the generic “info@tdl.org” account.

Sample language for the invitation:

Invite: Trainer, trainees (or at least liaison or point of contact), and other facilitator(s) from the DSpace Training and Education Group

Subject: DSpace training with TWU

Location: Please see details inside

Your DSpace training will be facilitated by Joseph Pruett, Digital Repository Librarian at Angelo State University and vice-chair of TDL's DSpace Training and Education Group.  

We will provide materials and instructions to get you set up ahead of the training. The training will be recorded and shared with you.


Meeting URL https://bluejeans.com/142224334
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
10am - 1pm
Facilitated by Joseph Pruett, ASU, and assisted by Jingshan Xiao, University of Houston – Clear Lake, and Lea DeForest, TDL.


We will use BlueJeans. You can use the browser or download the app. Type in the meeting number (142224334) and your name to join the meeting.

We will use the DSpace training instance at TDL (https://training-ir.tdl.org/). To get the most out of the training, each student should select a username to get an account with the test instance.

The usernames are tdl.studentx@gmail.com (where “x” is a number between 1 and 20) and “tdlstudent” is the password for all. Sign up for user names on our sign-up sheet.

Please prepare a few files of any type, under 150 MB, to upload as part of your training. For copyright, assume the world can see whatever you post.

All of your training materials and recordings will be saved in Box here: https://utexas.box.com/v/tdl-twu-trainings. Feel free to share with anyone on your team, but we ask that you do not make the folder contents publicly accessible.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me and Joseph if any questions arise along the way. And please forward to anyone on your team who may be interested in attending.

Joseph's email: joseph.pruett@angelo.edu
Lea's email: deforestlea@austin.utexas.edu 

See you soon!


Lea DeForest, MSIS
Communications Manager
Preferred pronouns she/her/hers
Texas Digital Library


  1. Ensure we have enough student IDs to cover number of trainees. Request more student IDs through help desk ticket if needed.

  2. If using Bluejeans, make sure we have enough storage to record and store the video (will be 2-3 hours). Download and/or delete if needed.

  3. Send materials to trainees:

    1. Send reminder email with slides and instructions to log in to the training instance. Include the HelpDesk Ticket in case there are issues with logging in.

    2. Send sign-up sheet for student IDs [link to sign up sheet].

    3. Send slides if they are ready.


  1. Moderator: Introduce trainer and training assistants, deliver orientation for platform, ask trainees to introduce themselves.

  2. During the workshop, please use support@tdl.org to report any issues. As long as the TDL was notified in advance of the workshop, a TDL sysadmin will prioritize the ticket to facilitate continuation of a successful workshop.

  3. You can also alert the liaison / staff member of issues using chat in the training platform.

  4. TDL representative will record the training, help troubleshoot technical issues, and help monitor chat.

    1. Make sure you are logged in as the generic “info@tdl.org” account if using Bluejeans.


  1. After the workshop, use the Helpdesk or email info@tdl.org and/or your TDL representative to let us know how it went and what, if anything, we can do better next time!

  2. TDL rep send a thank you to the trainer and cc Kristi.

  3. Down recording from the info@tdl Bluejeans account > recordings (may be two separate mp4 files)

  4. Upload recording to the videos folder on the server in videos > year > specific folder

    1. Create a specific folder for each training (file name example: DSpace_WTAMU_YYYYMMDD)

  5. Upload recording and slides to the training folder in Box: https://utexas.box.com/s/zxhfb9chm9icg1z7exu9osivyqv7tcma

    1. Create a specific folder for each training (file name example: DSpace_WTAMU_YYYYMMDD)

    2. Create a BoxNote in the folder with the following information (sample)

  6. TDL representative will send link to Box folder with recording and slides to trainees (cc trainer). Also send a link to the survey to capture feedback. [link to DSpace training survey https://forms.gle/FmExCXbAE25fvWgr9]

Sample language:

subject: TDL DSpace Training: Recording & Slides

Thank you all for attending today’s training!

Here is a link to the slides and recording in Box: [INSERT LINK TO CUSTOM BOX FOLDER]. The training is split between two .mp4s. Be sure to review the Box Note inside your folder for links and more resources. Please forward on to anyone who is not on this email who may be interested in viewing the training.

Also, we would appreciate it if all training attendees could take a short survey about today’s training. Here’s a link to that survey: https://forms.gle/gEPZHxJupmzMjGnZ7.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions.


Use this checklist to help you remember the steps from above:


create Helpdesk ticket
create web conference link using generic log in
schedule calendar invite w/ trainer(s), trainee(s), and relevant TDL staff


Ensure we have enough student IDs
Ensure we have ample storage for recording (if using Bluejeans)
Send materials to trainees and cc relevant TDL staff (reminder, slides, log in instructions, ID sign up sheet)


Introductions (trainer(s), TDL staff, trainee(s))
TDL rep: log in to Bluejeans using generic log in
record training


TDL rep: send thank you to trainer; cc TDL leadership
download recording and save it w/ slides in folder w/ UT Box folder | Training @ TDL https://utexas.box.com/s/zxhfb9chm9icg1z7exu9osivyqv7tcma
send link to folder along with survey link to trainees (cc trainer and relevant TDL staff) | survey link https://forms.gle/FmExCXbAE25fvWgr9



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