TDL DSpace Users Group Charter

TDL DSpace Users Group Charter


The TDL DSpace Users Group works to create an active community among DSpace users that:

  • facilitates mutual support for DSpace use and repository management; 
  • identifies areas of work that could be taken on by member working groups or by TDL staff; 
  • connects the TDL DSpace user community to the larger open source DSpace community in North America.



  • Membership in the DSpace Users Group is open to users affiliated with TDL member institutions who have a role in managing their DSpace repository.
  • For issues requiring a vote, each member institution represented in the user group has a single vote.  
  • Any users of DSpace can attend user group meetings and join the DSpace Users Group email list.


  • The group is led by a Chair and Vice Chair, with support from TDL staff.
  • The Chair will serve for a one-year term beginning in January. The Vice Chair will serve for one year and then move into the Chair position.
  • The Vice Chair is elected by the user group in January.
  • The Chair and Vice Chair of the users group must come from the TDL membership.

Texas Digital Library

  • The TDL will appoint a staff liaison who will act as co-facilitator of the group. 



  • Set and share out monthly virtual meeting agendas and preside at meetings.
  • Share minutes and/or other resources with TDL and the community
  • Promote engagement and foster an inclusive meeting experience.
  • Identify and coordinate opportunities for TDL members to discuss DSpace/repository issues and/or work together on DSpace-related projects.
  • Moderate the TDL DSpace Users email list
  • Responsibilities for TCDL
    • Lead the planning process for a TDL Users Group meeting at TCDL.
    • Chair the TDL Users Group meeting at TCDL.
  • Run the annual election of the group’s Vice Chair.
  • Provide an annual report of the group’s activities to the TDL board.
  • The Chair may appoint the Vice Chair or other user group members to serve in roles that accomplish any or all of these objectives.

Vice Chair

  • Preside at meetings when the Chair is unavailable.
  • Assist Chair in identifying opportunities and setting group priorities.

TDL staff liaison

  • Ensure appointment of Chair. (See Membership & Leadership section above.)
  • Maintain calendar invitations for meetings and/or set up Zoom meetings.
  • Attend all meetings of the user group as able.
  • Update user group on important TDL developments relevant to the DSpace application.
  • Work with Chair and Vice Chair to determine and guide activities of the User Group.
  • Serve as an intermediary between the Texas user community and the larger open source user community.

Group members

  • Participate in monthly meetings and on the user group email list as possible.
  • Volunteer for working groups and task forces as possible.
  • All group members, including the group’s Chair and TDL staff participants, agree to abide by TDL’s Community Agreement. https://www.tdl.org/governance/community-agreement/ 


The group is a standing (permanent) group under the TDL’s definition of user group. TDL may choose to dissolve the group in the unlikely event that it ceases to provide the service associated with the group, or no longer has the resources to provide support and coordination for the group.


  • Hold monthly virtual meetings to facilitate discussion and resource-sharing among libraries utilizing the DSpace hosting service.
  • Maintain a DSpace User Group email list for members of the group.
  • Hold a DSpace User Group meeting at TCDL. 
  • As needed, create working groups to undertake projects beneficial to the user community.


LAST REVISED: August 22, 2023

REVIEW FREQUENCY: 3 years or as needed

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