TDR Steering Committee

TDR Steering Committee


The Texas Data Repository (TDR) Steering Committee is the mechanism for local Data

Repository Liaisons at TDR member institutions to provide Texas Digital Library (TDL) feedback and make decisions about TDR services. The purpose of the Committee is to provide strategic planning support and policy oversight to ensure focus and direction of programs and services.


Membership consists of one Data Repository Liaison from each TDR member institution as well as the Texas Digital Library’s TDR Services Manager. Data Repository Liaisons are assigned at the time that the MOU for TDR Dataverse is completed and updated or reconfirmed annually or as needed by the institutional member. 

If a Data Repository Liaison is not able to attend a meeting, they can send a representative to act and vote on their behalf.


This is a standing committee which will meet at a frequency set by the committee itself.

Activities, Duties and Responsibilities

Acting with the TDL Director and TDR Services Manager, the Steering Committee is charged to:

  • Develop and recommend to TDL, policies, procedures, and best practices governing the TDR programs and services.
  • Provide guidance and consultation for setting priorities for TDR technical development, programs and services. 
  • Communicate TDR priorities and objectives in an informal public roadmap.
  • Establish guidelines regarding training, including workshops, screencasts, web conferences, in-person consultations and resources. This may  include outside presenters, TDR users and providers of services offered by TDL.
  • Establish a process for evaluating TDR services that measures and reports the extent to which the TDR is serving its community.
  • Regularly use evaluation data to inform and continuously improve TDR services.
  • Educate the community (including funders) using evaluation metrics, gathering resources for member use, and good practices for research data.
  • Liaise with TDR service communities (e.g. Dataverse) to improve technologies.
  • Identify, engage and collaborate with other data-focused projects and services within TDL and in the larger community.

Delegation of Authority

The TDR Steering Committee will make recommendations to TDL via the TDR Services Manager. All recommendations which fundamentally change the service, website, or business model or commit TDL to strategic collaborations or resource expenses require approval by the TDL Director prior to implementation or advancement. 

Examples of actions that the committee can take without formal approval from the Director:

  • Dissemination and outreach
  • Creation of training materials
  • Formation of working groups
  • Engage with and investigate other data-focused projects and services
  • Set agendas, hold meetings, conduct committee business, and decide on committee procedures


The TDR Steering Committee Chair will be selected from the Data Repository Liaisons on the Committee and will serve for a one year term. There will also be a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect. The Vice-Chair will serve for one year and then move into the Chair position for one year.

The Vice-Chair will be selected at the annual meeting of the TDR steering committee, to be held during or around the time of the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (TCDL). New officers will take office at the end of that meeting.

An institution’s liaison may only serve as Chair once every 5 years.

The TDR Services Manager will administer meeting logistics but will not participate in committee votes. 


When votes are called by the Chair, a quorum must be present virtually or in-person and is established if two-thirds of voting committee members are present. Motions pass by a majority of votes of those present. 

Between meetings, the Chair may also call a vote virtually.  All votes must be received by a specified date. Votes must be received by a two-thirds majority of the committee to establish quorum.  Motions pass by a majority of votes received.  

Committee Procedures

  • The TDR Steering Committee will meet as necessary and appropriate as decided by majority, or at the call of the Chair or TDL in special situations. 
  • Meeting frequency will be reviewed on a regular basis. 
  • Meetings are predominantly virtual with at least one in-person meeting per year.
  • Agendas will be set by the TDR Services Manager and Chair and will be available to the entire committee at least one week before each meeting. 
  • Minutes for each meeting will be maintained by TDL and will be open to the public. Minutes are kept in the shared agenda document by committee members on a rotating basis and will be available within two weeks of each meeting.
  • The TDR Roadmap is a public, living document, updated by both the TDR Steering Committee and the TDL Director, who has ultimate authority.
  • The TDR Steering Committee will hold an annual roadmapping update exercise at the in-person TCDL meeting. 
  • New projects, working groups, or standing committees will be established by the Chair at either the annual roadmapping exercise or during any steering committee meetings.

Author(s) of the Charter

In July 2019. this charter was updated by the TDL Deputy Director and the Texas Data Repository Steering Committee. Each institutional liaison receives a copy to acknowledge and sign.

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