Inactive Groups
Past Interest Groups
Past Working Groups
TDL DPLA Metadata Working Group, 2019-2020
Charge: The Texas Digital Library DPLA Metadata Working Group will provide guidance to TDL member institutions on preparing digital collections for aggregation through the TDL DPLA Service Hub, with the intent that these digital collections will be shared through Digital Public Library of America.
Kara Long (Chair), Baylor University
Albert Duran, Houston Public Library
Hannah Tarver, University of North Texas
Katie Tomfohrde, Houston Public Library
Anne Washington, University of Houston
Nick Woodward, Texas Digital Library
Web Archiving Texas Planning Committee, 2019
Web Archiving Texas is an opportunity to build a community around web archiving in Texas, bringing people together to share skills and resources, and to amplify our work that impacts the national and and international web archiving community. Join Texas Digital Library at Baylor University on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, to begin this exciting collaboration.
Leanna Barcelona, Baylor University
John Bondurant, Texas A&M University
Lea DeForest, Texas Digital Library
Phyllis Earles, Prairie View A&M University
Lauren Ko, University of North Texas
Anna Lamphear, University of Texas at Austin
Kara Long, Baylor University
Courtney Mumma, Texas Digital Library
Kristi Park, Texas Digital Library
Billie Peterson-Lugo, Baylor University
Haiying Sarah Li, Texas Southern University
Mark Phillips, University of North Texas
Linda Reynolds, Stephen F. Austin State University
Darryl Stuhr, Baylor University
Laura Waugh, Texas State University
Learn more about this event at Web Archiving Texas
Statewide OER Coordinating Committee 2018-2019
The OER Coordinating Committee is comprised of the Texas OER Summit Planning Committee, plus new partners from around Texas. The committee is intended to “bridge the gap” between the Summit and any formal coalition or institutional home at which any statewide OER effort might be housed. Reports and other resources from this committee can be found here.
2019-2020 Committee:
Phillip Anaya, Alamo Colleges
Lea DeForest, Texas Digital Library
Kimberly Grotewold, Texas A&M University - San Antonio
Bruce Herbert, Texas A&M University
Jenny Hock, Angelo State University
DeeAnn Ivie, University of Texas at San Antonio
Rusty Kimball, Texas A&M University
Kristi Park, Texas Digital Library
Danielle Plumer, Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Ariana Santiago, University of Houston
Laura Heinz, Texas Tech University
Kelly Visnak, University of Texas at Arlington
DSpace Training and Education Group (2016-2019)
Charge: The Texas Digital Library DSpace Training and Education Group will assess, update, and standardize the DSpace training that the TDL offers to its members.
TDL Dataverse Implementation Working Group, 2015-2016
Charge: To pilot test, assess, and launch a consortial repository for research data archiving and management. The group will address the following:
Costs and possible funding models
Technical configuration
Workflows and outreach
Policy and governance
Santi Thompson (Chair), University of Houston
Jeremy Donald, Trinity University
Denyse Rodgers, Baylor University
Sean Buckner, Texas A&M University
Bruce Herbert, Texas A&M University
Wendi Kaspar, Texas A&M University
Cecilia Smith, Texas A&M University
Chris Starcher, Texas Tech University
Todd Peters, Texas State University
Ray Uzwyshyn, Texas State University
Kristi Park, Texas Digital Library
Ryan Steans, Texas Digital Library
Nick Lauland, Texas Digital Library
Laura Waugh, Texas Digital Library
Deliverable: Texas Digital Library Dataverse Implementation Working Group Final Report (PDF), released September 30, 2016
TDL DSpace 5 Working Group, 2014-2015
Charge: The TDL DSpace 5 Working Group will test and provide updates, documentation, and resources related to the the upgrade to DSpace 5 for TDL members.
Susan Elkins, Angelo State University
Robert Luttrell, Texas Tech University
Alexandra Mitchell, Texas A&M University at Galveston
Laura McElfresh, Texas A&M University at Galveston
Nerissa Lindsey, Texas A&M International University
Le Yang, Texas Tech University
Ryan Steans, Texas Digital Library
TDL ETD Metadata Working Group, 2014-2015
Charge: The TDL ETD Metadata Working Group will provide guidance to TDL member institutions and other ETD practitioners on metadata for electronic theses and dissertations, with a particular focus on works published through the Vireo ETD submission and management application.
Sarah Potvin (Chair), Texas A&M University
Kara Long, Baylor University
Colleen Lyon, University of Texas at Austin
Monica Rivero, Rice University
Santi Thompson, University of Houston
Kristi Park, Texas Digital Library
Deliverable: Texas Digital Library Descriptive Metadata Guidelines for Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Version 2.0
Data Management Working Group, 2013-2014
The TDL Data Management Working Group convened in Fall 2013 to develop pilot projects and make recommendations for services related to data management, particularly in regard to making research data accessible and reusable.
Chair: Bruce Herbert, Texas A&M University
Martha Buckbee, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Jeremy Donald, Trinity University
Maria Esteva, Texas Advanced Computing Center
Colleen Lyon, University of Texas at Austin
Mark Phillips, University of North Texas
Santi Thompson, University of Houston
Ryan Steans, Texas Digital Library
Deliverable: TDL Data Management Working Group Report (August 2015)
Survey Working Group, 2012-2013
The TDL Survey Working Group was convened in June 2012 to develop and conduct a survey of the TDL membership to determine needs related to TDL services, marketing, and organization. The results of the Survey Working Group were reported to the TDL Governing Board in the fall of 2012 and released publicly in early 2013.
Subcommittee Chairs:
Jane Scott, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - Marketing Subcommittee
Gail Clement, Texas A&M University - Services Subcommittee
Jeanne Hazzard, Texas State University - Organizational Subcommittee