(Legacy) Statewide OER Coordinating Committee

(Legacy) Statewide OER Coordinating Committee

The OER Coordinating Committee was comprised of the Texas OER Summit Planning Committee, plus new partners from around Texas. We began meeting monthly starting in January 2019. The Committee's final meeting was in October 2019.

Scope of work / sub-committees:

  1. Report: Drafting of Summit report and white paper (i.e. analyzing outcomes of the Statewide OER summit and making strategic recommendations back to the community based on those outcomes)
  2. Events: Coordination of further communication and collaboration opportunities among summit participants and other interested parties (e.g. at TLA, through webinars, etc.)
  3. Coalition-building: Identifying and enlisting key stakeholders for a more formalized coalition to support and act on the priorities set by the community

OER Coordinating Committee members (2019-20):

  • Phillip Anaya, Open Educational Resources Coordinator, Alamo Colleges
  • Lea DeForest, Communication Strategist, Texas Digital Library
  • Dean Hendrix, Dean of Libraries, University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Bruce Herbert, Director, Office of Scholarly Communications, Texas A&M University
  • Jenny Hock, Head of Acquisitions and Serial Services, Angelo State University
  • Rusty Kimball, Science and Engineering Librarian, Texas A&M University
  • Pru Morris, Digital Resources Manager, Texas A&M University - San Antonio
  • Kristi Park, Executive Director, Texas Digital Library
  • Danielle Plumer, Statewide Resource Sharing Administrator, Texas State Library and Archives Commission
  • Ariana Santiago, Open Educational Resources Coordinator , University of Houston
  • Camille Thomas, Assistant Librarian, Texas Tech University
  • Kelly Visnak, Associate University Librarian - Scholarly Communications, University of Texas at Arlington

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