

TDL Imaging Group Charge


Summer 2019


Create and exchange information on both basic and advanced digital imaging and digitization best practices. Establish an open and inclusive environment for the exchange of information regionally, within the state of Texas and surrounding areas. 

Group Membership

Open to all parties who would like to learn, contribute, or discuss regional digital imaging and digitization best practices. While imaging vendors are very welcome to participate, commercial solicitation is prohibited and will result in removal from the group.

Services and Initiatives

  • Establish an online community

  • Coordinate regional meetings, events, and lab tours

  • Provide training and resources on digitization and digital imaging best practices

  • Support research on digitization and imaging methods.

Organizational structure

The wider imaging group is managed by the Planning Committee led by two co-chairs. The Planning Committee should consist of no less than three people.  Each co-chair serves a two year term in the position. The terms of the co-chairs should be staggered to ensure there is always an incumbent co-chair and a new co-chair. To encourage diversity, it is recommended that the two co-chairs come from different institutions.


The term year for the TDL Imaging Group runs from June 1 to May 31.

Roles and Responsibilities

Co-chairs will:

  • Set regular Planning Committee meetings and establish meeting agendas.

  • Lead Planning Committee meetings.

  • Guide the Committee in determining priorities/projects/initiatives for the year

  • Ensure Committee tasks have been assigned to Planning Committee members

  • Follow-up with Planning Committee members to ensure tasks have been completed.

  • Facilitate communication within the Planning Committee through email as necessary for the establishment and/or completion of initiatives.

  • Act as a liaison between the Imaging Group and the Texas Digital Library

  • Be the point of contact for Imaging Group members for the purpose of inquiries, adding agenda items to planning committee meetings, suggestions, and other issues.

  • Divide chair responsibilities between themselves as they see fit

Planning Committee General Members will:

  • Attend and participate in regular and ad-hoc Planning Committee meetings as set up by the Co-chairs.

  • Help determine priorities/projects/initiatives for the year

  • Sign-up for and accept Committee tasks as they are able and complete those tasks in a timely manner

  • Communicate and respond to communications with the Planning Committee through email as necessary for the establishment and/or completion of initiatives.