Batch Comment/Email

Batch Comment/Email

Batch Comment/Email

Vireo gives administrative users the capability to (a) add a comment to multiple records simultaneously or (b) send bulk email to a group of student submitters using the Batch Comment/Email feature.

To use this feature, a user must first filter the List to include the set of ETDs to be  updated.  Then follow these steps:

  1. Click BATCH COMMENT/EMAIL, located under Advanced Features in the bottom left corner of the List screen.

  2. A popup window will appear.


To send a bulk email, enter a subject and the body of the email (or choose an existing email template). Be sure that the “Email the student” checkbox is selected.

To add a comment to the group of selected ETDs, unselect the email options and enter the comment in the box provided. You may make the comment invisible to students by selecting “mark comment as private.

Click Submit to complete the action.

A validation will appear asking the user to confirm the action. Click the validation. Vireo will notify the user when the operation has been completed.

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