Application Settings Vireo 3

Application Settings Vireo 3

Application Settings include a number of global settings for Vireo, including:


Submission Availability


Under submission Availability, Managers and Administrators can determine the following

  • Submissions are currently: Open/Closed toggle (The selected option is in green) – determines whether the student submission system is accepting submissions

  • Allow multiples submissions? Yes/No (The selected option is in green) – determines whether any student may submit more than one thesis/dissertation.

  • Current Submission Semester – Value entered in this text field is used in announcement on student submission side about what the current submission semester is. (E.g. Entering “December 2014” in this field will generate the following message on the student side: “Currently accepting submission for the December 2014 semester.”).

  • Degree Granting School: the full name of the institution awarding degrees.

ProQuest/UMI Settings and Degree Codes

These two sections of the Application Settings are related to the ProQuest functionality in Vireo. As of version 2.0.5, Vireo includes an export format for sending theses and dissertations to ProQuest via FTP. By using the Vireo ProQuest export format, universities can bypass any costs of publishing ETDs with ProQuest. These two sections must be configured in order to complete the export correctly. Other fields must be configured as well, so please consult the ProQuest Export documentation separately for full information about exporting ETDs from Vireo to ProQuest.

ProQuest Institution Code: The ProQuest Institution Code must be added in the Application Settings of the Administrative interface of Vireo. This code is a ProQuest-supplied code that identifies the institution associated with all submissions coming from the institution.

The ProQuest Institution Code can be obtained from ProQuest or (for TDL member institutions) from the Texas Digital Library.

Indexed By Search Engines: If enabled, all submissions to the ProQuest/UMI catalog will have citation information indexed by third parties (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Bing).

ProQuest License Agreement: Submission of ETDs to ProQuest requires a separate license in addition to a license that allows publication of the thesis or dissertation to an institutional repository and the Texas Digital Library.

Note: The UMI Release must be enabled in the Submission Settings of Vireo. Institutions will choose between Optional or Required depending upon policy. If submission to ProQuest is mandatory for both theses and dissertations, the Required option should be selected. The Required setting will not allow students to complete the submission process until the agreement box has been checked. Institutions which do not require submission to ProQuest would set this field to Optional to allow students to continue the submission process without agreeing to the license. Institutions with mixed policies such as mandating dissertation deposits but not theses would choose the option that is best suited for their workflow.

The ProQuest License Agreement itself is visible in the Application Settings and can be edited to add notes about the institution’s policy on submission to ProQuest or to provide other directions. The language of the license itself should never be changed without written permission from ProQuest.

Degree Codes: The degree code is a ProQuest-supplied code for each degree an institution offers. ProQuest will supply a list of degrees that have been received from the university. Users can inform ProQuest if additional degrees need to be added. (For TDL members, these codes will be supplied by TDL.) (Note: In the Submission Settings, Degree must be configured as a required field for students.)

Submission License

The license agreement, which students must accept when submitting a thesis or dissertation, is editable by Managers and Administrators. Default license text is supplied.

The field is locked by default to prevent accidental editing. To “unlock” the field, click the lock icon just above the field.

Some HTML formatting tags can be used in the field, as noted immediately below the license. Changes will automatically be saved when a user clicks outside the field, and leaving the page will automatically re-lock the field.

Custom Action Checklist

In this section, Administrators and Managers can set up a checklist of actions that must be completed for each ETD record. The list configured here will appear in the bottom left corner of the View tab in each ETD record.

  • To delete an item, drag the item to the trash can icon.

  • To add an item to the list, click ADD NEW. A form will appear in which you can add a new action. Fill in the form, and click Add Action

  • To reorder items in the list, drag and drop an item to the desired location in the list.

Deposit Locations

Setting Up Deposit Locations

Vireo allows administrative Managers to configure one or more repositories as destinations for published ETDs. These settings are configured under Application Settings sub-tab under the SETTINGS TAB.

Add a Deposit Location 

To add a new deposit location, click ADD NEW. A popup window (see below) will appear where you can add information about the deposit location.

Location Name 

The label for this deposit location that will appear in the “Deposit Locations” list.


The type of IT protocol used to transfer the document(s) from Vireo to the repository. Note: The chosen protocol will affect the meaning/encoding of other fields in this window, such as Repository location. Because TDL member installations use the SWORD protocol, the remainder of the definitions here will refer to deposit locations utilizing SWORD.


The metadata schema to be used in the deposit. For SWORD deposits into DSpace, this format must be configured to be available in DSpace; therefore, it is recommended that DSpace METS is chosen.

Repository Location 

The URL of the deposit location (if using SWORD). In using SWORD, this URL should be for the Service Document that describes the repository’s SWORD interface.

If using SWORD to deposit into DSpace, the URL will be:


Where sword-webapp is the location where your DSpace SWORD web application is deployed. If using DSpace 1.8 or higher you need to specify the SWORD version1 webapp. Vireo does not support SWORD version2 at this time.

Username and password 

The administrative username and password used to access the SWORD service document


The administrative password used to log in to the deposit location/repository.

On Behalf Of 

The name of the person who will be recorded as making the deposit. This field can be left blank.

Click the TEST CONNECTION & FIND AVAILABLE COLLECTIONS to ensure that the deposit will work. If it is functional, a list of available collections in the repository will appear in the COLLECTION drop down menu.

Publishing ETDs to the repository when you have multiple deposit locations 

If you have multiple deposit locations (i.e. repositories) configured, you will be asked to choose the destination repository each time you publish an ETD. (See Batch Deposit & Publish instructions.)

Access Control 


Any user accessing the system can have one of several “roles,” each of which gives him or her permission to access and edit different parts of the system.
These roles you can assign someone in Vireo are:

  • ADMINISTRATOR – This role is for system administrators. Administrators have all the privileges of the Manager role (see below) as well as access to the System Control Panel.

  • MANAGER – These users (previously referred to as “super-users” or “administrative managers” can configure the way Vireo works through the settings in the administrative interface. Managers can, among other things, open or close submissions, add submission instructions, create email templates, and define new deposit locations.

  • REVIEWER – These users have privileges to review and modify submissions but not to change or configure the way the application works. (In previous documentation we have referred to these users as “regular” admin users.

  • STUDENT – This is the default role for all new users in the system. These users have access to the Student Interface only.

  • NONE – This role means that the user is able to login, but will not be able to even submit an application.

Changing Access Levels

To change access levels, go to the SETTINGS tab and the Application Settings sub-tab in Vireo. Then find the user’s entry under “WHO HAS ACCESS?” If there is no entry for the user, click the “Add Member” button and search for the user, then add him/her. A user added this way will automatically be assigned the role of Reviewer.

Once you’ve found the entry under the user table, you will see three columns: Role, Name, and Email. If you are logged in as a Manager or Administrator, you will see a pencil icon next to the role. Click on the role, and it will switch to a drop down box. Select a role from the dropdown box to assign it to the user.

First Note: If you try and modify your access it will give you a warning and if you follow through may kick you out of the system. For example if you were a manager and then lowered yourself to student level access, then you would no longer be allowed to view the application settings tab.

Second Note: You can only elevate someone to your role or equal. So if you are an administrator then you can promote someone up to administrator. However if you were a manager then you can only promote people up to managers.

Adding a New Administrative User 

If the user you would like to add is not available to be added in the “Who Has Access?” section of the Vireo admin interface, the user will have to log in to the Vireo system once. Then, that user’s account will be available to be added as a Reviewer, Manager, or Administrator using the instructions above for Changing Access Levels.

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