Peer Audit and Assessment

Peer Audit and Assessment

TDL is hosting a pilot peer audit and assessment project with the goal of establishing an annual peer audit and assessment program within the Digital Preservation Services Interest Group.


Pilot TDL Peer Audit and Assessment

WHEN: Winter - Spring 2025



  • Self Assessment Resources

PEER GUIDE: Kristin Clark, TWU

TDL LIAISON: Courtney Mumma


SUMMARY: The goal of the pilot is to support two TDL members’ as they assess their digital program in a particular collection, unit, or other definable area of work. The Peer Guide will lead the Pilot Partners through the NEDCC Peer Assessment materials and help them develop longer-term program goals as well as more immediate strategic objectives with timelines, stakeholders, risks and resource allocations. TDL’s Liaison will work with the Guide and Partners to concurrently document the overall assessment process so that it is reproducable with new partners. Ideally, Partners will become Guides to future assessment Partners.

The pilot will consist of a combination of coworking, asynchronous assessment, and regular meetings (bimonthly). TDL could also host an optional in-person meeting at TCDL.

Timeline with milestones:

  • Note that there are 5 sections to the Peer Assessment so we estimate that the pilot will take 6-8 months to complete. After the partners complete the assessment, we can talk about goal setting and maybe aim to make progress or achieve one of those goals by the end of the year. 

  • Draft timeline:

    • Meeting 1: Introduction, outline of the assessment work, Define area/scope of work, set up interview framework for Organization

    • Meeting 2: Discuss Organization interviews, set up next interview for Staff and Resources AND Policy Infrastructure

    • Meeting 3: Discuss Staff and Resources AND Policy Infrastructure interviews, set up next interview for Processes and Workflows AND Technological Resources

    • Meeting 4: Discuss Processes and Workflows AND Technological Resources interviews, set up next interview for final reports

    • Meeting 5: Discuss final reports, goal setting

    • Meeting 6: Conclusion

    • Meeting 7: Check-in?

    • Meeting at TCDL?


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