DSpace 7 Upgrades Schedule
Starting June 2023, TDL is upgrading its hosted repositories to DSpace version 7.6. See DSpace 7 Upgrade FAQs (Summer/Fall 2023) to learn about the upgrade process.
Below you can see the proposed order of upgrades for Member Repositories. Please note that the date is highly tentative. TDL will notify institutions in advance of proposed upgrade dates and keep you updated if postponement is necessary.
| Repository | Institution | Tentative Date | Status |
0 | tdl-ir | TDL | June 7 | done |
| Final prep for production upgrades | June 5-21 | done | |
1 | asu-ir | Angelo State | Week of July 3 (upgrade on July 5) | done |
2 | utswmed-ir | UT Southwestern | Week of July 10 25 | done |
| Assessment, trouble-shooting, course-correction if needed | July 14-31 | done | |
3 | wtamu-ir | West Texas A&M | week of July 31 | done |
4 | txstate-ir | Texas State University | week of August 7 | done |
5 | uh-ir | University of Houston | week of August 14 (tentative) | done |
6 | baylor-ir | Baylor | week of August 14 (tentative) 21 | done |
7 | utmb-ir | UT Medical Branch | week of August 28 | done |
8 | training-ir7
| TDL (update demo site to 7.6 to align with production sites) | week of September 4 (week of TDL staff retreat) | done |
9 | tamucc-ir | TAMU-Corpus Christi | week of September 11 | done |
10 | shsu-ir | Sam Houston State | week of Sept 18 | done |
11 | udallas-ir | University of Dallas | week of Sept 18 | done |
| trouble-shooting / tickets | week of Sept 25 | done | |
12 | utsa-ir | UT San Antonio | week of Oct 2 | done |
13 | unthsc-ir | UNT Health Science Center | week of Oct 2 | done |
14 | utd-ir | UT Dallas | week of Oct 9 | done |
15 | twu-ir | Texas Woman’s University | week of Oct 9 | done |
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