Saving and Removing a Filter

Saved Filters

Administrative users can save a filter set that will be useful to go back to multiple times. Administrators, Managers, and Reviewers can save filters for use by themselves only.

Creating a Saved Filter

To save a filter, begin by creating the filter configuration that gives you a useful list.

Next, to save the filter, click SAVE CURRENT FILTER in the “Filter Options” box.

A popup window will appear in which you can assign the filter a name. 

If you have added columns to your list view, you can choose whether you would like these columns to be included in the filter. If you click the box under Columns, your filter will include any columns you have added. If you do not click this box, the columns will remain as they are when the filter is applied.  Click SAVE FILTER to save and exit. 

Depending on if you choose to have your filter include customized columns, your filter will be saved under either "Without Columns" or "With Columns."

Saved Filters and Administrator and Manager Roles

Staff with an Administrator or Manager role can save filters to be used by others on their administrative team.  When an Administrator saves a filter, the popup window will offer an option to make the filter available to all Administrator and Manager roles, or “Public.” If the Administrator or Manager would like others to be able to see and use the filter, s/he can select the checkbox next to this option, give the filter a name, and click SAVE FILTER.

Using a Saved Filter

To use a saved filter, simply click on the filter name under SAVED FILTERS and the filter will be put in place. You will see the parameters of the saved filter in the “Now Filtering By” section.

Deleting a Saved Filter

If you want to delete a saved filter, click REMOVE EXISTING FILTERS in the “Filter Options” box. The popup box will show a list of your saved filters. Click the button labeled REMOVE that is next to the saved filter you want to delete. The filter will be removed from your list of saved filters on the List screen.

Removing Filters

There are two ways to remove filters once you’ve added them.

Removing a single filter value:

To remove a single filter, go to the “Now Filtering By” box at the top left of the List screen. Click on the small “x” next to the filter you want to delete. That single filter will disappear, but any other filters that are in place will remain.

Clearing all filters:

If you have multiple filters in place and want to clear them all at once, go to the “Filter Options” section of the List screen. Click “Clear current filter” and all filters will be removed.