Usage Statistics (DSpace 7)


Email-based Usage Reports

Email-based Usage Reports are a feature of TDL-hosted DSpace repositories only.

Repository usage reports are delivered via email to managers of TDL-hosted repositories on a monthly basis.

These reports include usage statistics at the Repository, Community, Collection, and Item Level. The reports are delivered in Microsoft Excel format as an email attachment to one or multiple email addresses designated by the repository manager.

To change the destination email address(es) for these reports, please contact the TDL Helpdesk at

Below is a list of statistics provided in the reports

  • Repository-level statistics

    • Items added last month (number of items added to the repository in the previous month)

    • Items added in academic year (number of items added year-to-date using a September-August year)

    • Total Items (total number of items in repository on the date the report was generated)

    • Item views last month (number of item views in the previous month)

    • Item views in academic year (number of item view year-to-date using a September-August year)

    • Total item views (total number of item views since start of statistics-gathering)

    • Item downloads last month (number of downloads in the previous month)

    • Item downloads in academic year (number of downloads year-to-date using a September-August year)

    • Total item downloads (total number of downloads)

  • Community-level statistics

    • Community ID

    • Community Name

    • Community URL

    • Parent Community Name

    • Items added last month

    • Items added in academic year

    • Total Items

    • Item views last month

    • Item views in academic year

    • Total item views

    • Item downloads last month

    • Item downloads in academic year

    • Total item downloads

  • Collection-level Statistics

    • Parent Community Name

    • Collection ID

    • Collection Name

    • Collection URL

    • Items added last month

    • Items added in academic year

    • Total Items

    • Item views last month

    • Item views in academic year

    • Total item views

    • Item downloads last month

    • Item downloads in academic year

    • Total item downloads

  • Item-level Statistics

    • Collection Name

    • Item ID

    • Item Title

    • Item URL

    • Item views last month

    • Item views in academic year

    • Total item views

    • Item downloads last month

    • Item downloads in academic year

    • Total item downloads

Repository usage reports are delivered via email to managers of TDL-hosted repositories on a monthly basis.

These reports include usage statistics at the Repository, Community, Collection, and Item Level. The reports are delivered in Microsoft Excel format as an email attachment to one or multiple email addresses designated by the repository manager.

To change the destination email address(es) for these reports, please contact the TDL Helpdesk at

Below is a list of statistics provided in the reports

  • Repository-level statistics

    • Items added last month (number of items added to the repository in the previous month)

    • Items added in academic year (number of items added year-to-date using a September-August year)

    • Total Items (total number of items in repository on the date the report was generated)

    • Item views last month (number of item views in the previous month)

    • Item views in academic year (number of item view year-to-date using a September-August year)

    • Total item views (total number of item views since start of statistics-gathering)

    • Item downloads last month (number of downloads in the previous month)

    • Item downloads in academic year (number of downloads year-to-date using a September-August year)

    • Total item downloads (total number of downloads)

  • Community-level statistics

    • Community ID

    • Community Name

    • Community URL

    • Parent Community Name

    • Items added last month

    • Items added in academic year

    • Total Items

    • Item views last month

    • Item views in academic year

    • Total item views

    • Item downloads last month

    • Item downloads in academic year

    • Total item downloads

  • Collection-level Statistics

    • Parent Community Name

    • Collection ID

    • Collection Name

    • Collection URL

    • Items added last month

    • Items added in academic year

    • Total Items

    • Item views last month

    • Item views in academic year

    • Total item views

    • Item downloads last month

    • Item downloads in academic year

    • Total item downloads

  • Item-level Statistics

    • Collection Name

    • Item ID

    • Item Title

    • Item URL

    • Item views last month

    • Item views in academic year

    • Total item views

    • Item downloads last month

    • Item downloads in academic year

    • Total item downloads

Usage Statistics in the DSpace User Interface

  • Basic view statistics are accessible from the Statistics link on the top ribbon of the page.

  • By default, Statistics are visible to Administrators only. However, this link may be made publicly available upon request. Contact to request this change.

  • When selected from the home page, the top ten most viewed items and their view counts will be displayed. 

  • When the Statistics link is selected from a Community or Collection page, the listed stats will include total visits to the specific page (not for contained sub-communities, collections, or items), total visits per month for the preceding 7 months, views by country, and views by city. 

Community or Sub-Community Statistics 

Collection Statistics 

  • When the Statistics link is selected from an Item page, the listed stats include the total visits, total visits per month for the preceding 7 months, views by specific item file, views by country, and views by city. 

Item Statistics