Background Information

Background Information

(DRAFT) Context

R0. Please provide context for the repository


Other - Research data repository

Brief Description of the Repository

The Texas Data Repository (TDR) is a service of the Texas Digital Library (TDL), a consortium of higher education institutions in Texas that builds capacity for preserving, managing, and providing access to unique digital collections of enduring value. The TDR is a platform for publishing and managing datasets created by faculty, staff, and students at Texas higher education institutions. TDR is built in the open- source Dataverse platform, developed and used by Harvard University’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science.

The Texas Digital Library was created in 2005 by four Texas members of the Association of Research Libraries: Texas A&M, Texas Tech, the University of Houston, and the University of Texas at Austin. Currently there are 22 member institutions in TDL.

The TDR encourages data deposit from all disciplines and can accept any type of data file. Non- proprietary formats are advisable in order to ensure both access and broader use and ‘easier’ preservation/migration.

Brief Description of the Repository’s Designated Community


Level of Curation Performed

  • Content distributed as deposited

  • Basic curation e.g., brief checking, addition of basic metadata or documentation

  • Enhanced curation e.g., conversion to new formats, enhancement of documentation

The TDR hosts at TDL maintain no obligation to monitor the site, service, content, or user uploads and does not review all user uploads before they are made available on the site, or before being published. Administrators and users of a particular Dataverse are responsible for the contents of that Dataverse.

The TDR, and the data contained therein, is provided “as is” and “as available” and without warranty of any kind.

Versioning control is addressed in R7. Terms of Use Data Usage Agreement

Insource/Outsource Partners

Information about TDL’s partners can be found here: https://www.tdl.org/about-tdl/partners/

Other Relevant Information