Manage Users / Who Has Access

Manage Users / Who Has Access


Any user accessing the system can have one of several “roles,” each of which gives him or her permission to access and edit different parts of the system.


This area can be reached by selecting MANAGE USERS from the drop down menu under the user account name, or by opening WHO HAS ACCESS in Application Settings. 

Role definitions

  • ADMINISTRATOR – Administrators have all the privileges in the system, including access to the Institution level settings in Organization and Workflows.  
  • MANAGER – These users can configure the way Vireo works through the settings in the administrative interface. Managers can, among other things, open or close submissions, add submission instructions, create email templates, and define new deposit locations. They can change access levels for anyone other than an Administrator.
  • REVIEWER – These users have privileges to review and modify submissions but not to change or configure the way the application works. 
  • STUDENT – This is the default role for all new users in the system. These users have access to the Student Interface only.
  • ANONYMOUS – This role means that the user is able to login, but will not be able to even submit an application.

Changing Access Levels

To change access levels, go to the SETTINGS tab and the Application Settings sub-tab in Vireo. Then find the user’s entry under “WHO HAS ACCESS?” If there is no entry for the user, click the “Add Member” button and search for the user, then add him/her. A user added this way will automatically be assigned the role of Reviewer.

Once you’ve found the entry under the user table, you will see three columns: Name, Email, and Role. Click on the role, and it will switch to a drop down box. Select a role from the dropdown box to assign it to the user.

Adding a New Administrative User

If the user you would like to add is not available to be added in the “Who Has Access?” section of the Vireo admin interface, the user will have to log in to the Vireo system once. Then, that user’s account will be available to be added as a Reviewer, Manager, or Administrator using the instructions above for Changing Access Levels.

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