Field Profiles

Field Profiles

Each field in a workflow step has a number of settings and is referred to as a Field Profile.  Field settings in Vireo 4 extend beyond changing a field label or help text and marking it as disabled, optional, or required.   Users are now able to edit many more aspects of fields. 

It is important to note that all of the default fields have appropriate metadata keys assigned.  This means that all fields are preset to export with correct metadata and associated values. When editing fields, always keep the original purpose in mind and do not alter the metadata key. 

It is better to change a label than to create a new field profile!

A note on the field profile for Committee Chair

The Committee Chair is a mandatory field in the descriptive metadata of ETDs,  https://tdl-ir.tdl.org/handle/2249.1/68437.  It should not be disabled or have the metadata key altered, otherwise the data will not be exported into repository or MARC files.  Institutions which do not use the term Committee Chair should change the label to Chair, Advisor, Faculty Advisor, or any term which describes the primary supervisor of a student's research.  It is extremely important not to create a new field for this role. 

Creating New Field Profiles

Vireo users are encouraged to create custom fields for any information or data that is not intended to go into the institutional repository.  For example, if you would like to keep a record of the names of directors, grant supervisors, deans, grant underwriters, etc. it can be done without interfering with the library related exports.   With the exception of Excel exports, values from new fields created by end users will not be included without editing the code.  New field profiles should be added to a workflow before any submissions have been made on the workflow. 

Deleting Field Profiles

Deleting a field profile (dragging to the trashcan) is not advised and should be used with extreme caution.  Disable the field or edit instead of deleting. 

Editing Field Profiles

Each field profile contains 3  identical tabs: General, Advanced, and Controlled Vocabulary. 

General tab

  • Label:  This is the name of the field which is visible to students and staff.  Change the label to suit your needs.
  • Repeatable:  Select Yes for fields where more than one value is desired, such as committee members, keywords and subjects.  Select No when there should be only one value, such as Graduation Semester, Title, Abstract, etc. 
  • Required:  Select Yes for required, and No if filling in the information is optional. 
  • Disabled:  Select Yes to remove the field from both the student and staff views.
  • Hidden:  Select Yes to remove the field from the student view.  Unless also disabled, this field will appear in the staff view of the submissions.

  • Flagged:  Selecting Yes will add this field to the Flagged Fields box for information that is referred to frequently or should always be in view.  By default, there are no fields with Flagged marked Yes.
  • Logged:  Selecting Yes will allow changes to this field to be included in the Action Log of each submission. By default, there are very few field profiles that are marked Yes. 
  • Overridable:  This is an advance setting that is dependent upon Hierarchical Organization Management.  See OVERRIDE for more information

Advanced tab

  • Metadata Key:  This field should NEVER be changed.  Consult  a metadata specialist in coordination with the institutional repository manager to ADD NEW metadata Keys.  This field determines what is included in exports.
  • Input Type: The options provided in the drop down list will restrict and validate the type of value entered into the form field. For example, if INPUT_EMAIL is selected, only text that contains "@" will be permitted in the entry.  A list of available Field Input Types is provided below.  Certain Input Types are also used in conjunction with Controlled Vocabularies. 
  • Help:  The text that will appear when cursor hovers over the information icon to the right of each field in the student view.
  • Default value:  Enter a default value that will be pre-entered in the field in the student submission view. This will be especially helpful for fields which vary by workflow, and it works best with globally controlled vocabularies.
  • Shibboleth Attribute Mapping: This field should only be changed by a network specialist.  

Controlled Vocabulary tab

Controlled Vocabularies can be associated with many input types to either limit or provide suggestions for input.  

Field Input Types

INPUT_CHECKBOX: A check box allowing single values to be selected/deselected

INPUT_CONTACT:  Used with a controlled vocabulary with the Contact column populated by email addresses.  This input type will allow selection from an associated controlled vocabulary, as well as entering new or unique values.   The new contact will NOT be added to the controlled vocabulary.  A field for a name and email address will be be provided. By default, the Non-Chairing Committee Members field profile has this input type selected.  

INPUT_CONTACT_SELECT:  Used with a controlled vocabulary with the Contact column populated by email addresses.  This input type will restrict the value selection to the controlled vocabulary list. By default, the Committee Chair has this input type selected.

INPUT_DEGREEDATE: A control for entering the Graduation Semester. This input provides a calendar with month and year input and is formatted MM YYYY.  By default, the controlled vocabulary, Graduation Month, is assigned to this field to limit the options. 

INPUT_DATETIME: A control for entering a date. This input is provides a calendar with month, day, and year input and is formatted MM/DD/YYYY.  

INPUT_EMAIL: A field which will only accept an email address.

INPUT_FILE:  A control that lets the user select a file. Can be combined with a controlled vocabulary to limit to particular file extensions. 

INPUT_LICENSE:  Displays the Default License with a checkbox to indicate acceptance.

INPUT_ORCID: A control for entering an ORCID author identifier

INPUT_PASSWORD: A single-line text field whose value is obscured.

INPUT_PROQUEST: Displays the ProQuest Publication Agreement with a checkbox to indicate acceptance.

INPUT_RADIO: A radio button, allowing a single value to be selected out of multiple choices.

INPUT_SELECT: Used with a controlled vocabulary.  The user will only be able to choose from the values in the associated vocabulary. 

INPUT_TEL:  A control for entering a telephone number.

INPUT_TEXT: Can be used with or without a controlled vocabulary.  If there is not Controlled Vocabulary associated with the field, it is a free text field.   If there is an assigned Controlled Vocabulary, values from the vocabulary will be auto-suggested as words are typed into the field.  The user can choose a value from the list, or enter a different value.  The new value will NOT be added to the controlled vocabulary.

INPUT_TEXTAREA: Large free text field. 

INPUT_CONDITIONAL_TEXTAREA: Provides a checkbox which opens a text box when selected.

INPUT_URL: A field for entering a URL.

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