2012 Annual Meeting, May

2012 Annual Meeting, May

On May 22, 2012, the Vireo Users Group (VUG) hosted a User’s Group meeting in Austin, Texas, in order to discuss upcoming development plans for Vireo. The meeting was attended by a number of institutions in the Texas Digital Library Consortium, as well as non-TDL and/or non-Texas institutions: Rice University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, California Digital Library, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Arkansas, and Virginia Tech.

The meeting centered around two upcoming stages of development for Vireo: a complete re-write which will occur during Summer 2012 and result in a repository agnostic version of Vireo, version 1.8; this will followed by a series of development sprints in Fall 2012 to address enhancement requests from the VUG and culminate in the release of Vireo 2.0.

During the breakout session, developers discussed plans for capitalizing on the open source nature of Vireo and encouraging outside institutions to commit to Vireo development, selecting enhancements from the VUG priority list and contributing code back to TDL for inclusion in the source code. A second breakout session, consisting primarily of graduate school and library representatives discussed future enhancement requests to be included on the upcoming Summer/Fall 2012 Feature Requests ballot.

No timeline has been announced for the Summer/Fall 2012 enhancement vote. Currently the steering committee is finalizing the list of enhancement requests to be placed on the ballot. Information regarding this process will be forthcoming.

As an outcome of the meeting the Vireo Users Group member list has grown by two institutions: University of Illinois at Chicago and California Digital Library.

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