Getting Started

Getting Started

1.1 Accessing your Account

 1. Log in to the Texas Data Repository.

  • Click "Log in" in the navigation on the top right.

2. If you are from a participating Texas Data Repository institution:

  • Select  your institution from the drop-down menu of participating member institutions.
  • Log in using your institutional credentials.

3. If you are NOT from a participating Texas Data Repository institution, use the Google Login options:

  • Enter your username/email and password in the "Dataverse Account" section of the login page.
  • In order to access Dataverse collections, datasets, or files, you will have to be assigned permissions by TDR-affiliated researchers or liaisons. 

If it is your first time logging into the system you will be asked to review and agree to the Texas Data Repository Terms of Use.

1.2 About the Dataverse software, Metadata, and End-Users

A Dataverse collection is a container for datasets (research data, code, documentation, and metadata) and other Dataverse collections, which can be setup for individual researchers, departments, journalists, and organizations.

Once a user creates a Dataverse collection they, by default, become the administrator of that Dataverse collection. The Dataverse collection administrator has access to manage the setting described in this guide. As the administrator of any Dataverse collections you create, you can choose to upload your datasets to them. You can also link any existing Dataverse collection or dataset within the TDL Data Repository to your dataset, where it will appear in the table of contents among any datasets you have uploaded yourself.

A researcher may choose to create a Dataverse collection to contain the various datasets associated with a particular grant, research collaboration, or project, or may wish to collect all data associated with them under a single personal Dataverse collection. One may also upload datasets to the TDL Data Repository without first creating a Dataverse collection to contain them.

Each Texas Digital Library member institution has an institutional Dataverse repository intended to capture all Dataverse collections and datasets created by that institution's researchers. An institutional repository library at each member institution will curate the institutional Dataverse repository, and will take responsibility for linking each dataset and Dataverse collection created by institutional researchers to the institutional Dataverse repository.

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