N.B. This data dictionary has not been reviewed. Several fields are missing descriptions, and all descriptions should be reviewed and corrected by TDL.
"dataverses" report tab
Column names | Descriptions |
alias | Short name of the dataverse (collection), also the URL suffix chosen by the creator. |
name | Full name of the dataverse (collection). |
id |
affiliation | University affiliation for the dataverse (collection). For example: "Texas A and M University" |
dataverseType | The type of individual/group for which this dataverse (collection) has been created. Chosen by the creator. For example: "RESEARCH_GROUP" |
creationDate | Date and time when the dataverse (collection) was created expressed according to ISO 8601. The combined date and time is expressed as: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS]Z |
creatorIdentifier | The Texas Data Repository identifier for the dataverse creator prepended with an "@" |
creatorName | Full name for the dataverse creator. |
creatorEmail | Email address for the dataverse creator. |
creatorAffiliation | University affiliation for the dataverse creator. For example: "Texas A and M University" |
creatorPosition |
released | "Yes" or "No" indication of publication status. "Yes" indicates that the dataverse (collection) has been published and is publically visible to all visitors. |