Batch Export Collection
Login to Repository
Move the cursor over the symbol of a document with an arrow pointing to the right of it at the upper left-hand corner of the screen and left-click
Select the Batch Export (ZIP) option
Use the pop-up search bar or scroll through the list to select the collection you want to export
Once you select a collection, a confirmation pop-up will ask you to confirm your selection by clicking Cancel or Export
After you click Export, the screen will redirect to the Process status page
Note: The default size limit is 200 MB when exporting a collection through the user interface. If exporting through the command line, there is not a size limit.
You may have to refresh the page to see the Status change from RUNNING to COMPLETED
Once the process has completed, a link to a downloadable .zip output file will become available on the screen
Choose where you want to save the folder on your computer
Note: You may want to rename the exported zip folder to correspond to the collection. Each time you batch export a collection, the default file name will be the same.
The .log file contains information on the export process. This may be beneficial for troubleshooting in case the process fails.
Once you open the export .zip, you will see a directory with each numbered folder corresponding to an item from the collection
Item contents will include the item file itself, as well as metadata, licenses, and permanent handle identifier.