View the Faculty Advisor Screen

View the Faculty Advisor Screen

The FACULTY REVIEW URL is the link to the Faculty Advisor Interface.  It is the same URL sent in the SYSTEM Advisor Review Request email asking advisors to review and approve (or deny approval to) an ETD and an embargo selection.  See Faculty Advisor Interface for additional information. 

Accessing the Faculty Review URL

Managers (and Administrators) can view and use the screen that faculty advisors see when they are asked to approve an ETD by clicking on the FACULTY REVIEW URL which is located just above REVIEWER NOTES in a submission. 

From the Faculty Advisor Interface, Managers can approve the submission on behalf of the Faculty Advisor. In this case, the action log for the record will show that the Manager approved the ETD. If the Faculty Advisor approves the ETD, the action log will record the faculty member’s name.

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