Edit ETD Submission

Edit ETD Submission

Editing Metadata in Vireo (Personal Info, Document Info, or Degree Info)

Administrative users in Vireo can edit any data provided by the student (or any data auto-populated by your institution’s identity provider) about himself/herself, the dissertation, or the degree.

This information can be edited in the View tab for the ETD record.  The default view includes three tabs: Personal Information,  License Agreement, and Document Information.  The tab order in a submission view will reflect the organizational workflow of the submission.

New in Vireo 4: Edited metadata fields will not automatically appear in the Action Log.  If tracking a change in a certain field is important to the organization, the applicable Field Profile must be set to Yes for Logged in the Organizations' workflow management.  See Action Log and Field Profiles for additional information.

Adding or editing metadata

Too add or edit metadata, click the pencil icon next to the field value you want to change, and an editable box will appear. Click the check mark after editing to save the changes, or click on X to exit without saving.  

A plus sign ( + ) indicates that the field is repeatable, so additional entries can be added for fields such as keyword, subject, and committee members.  When the plus sign is selected, a new field with "none" as the default value will appear.

Simply click on the pencil icon to add a new value.

Editing Committee Chair and Non-chair Committee Members

(See Field Profiles for changing Committee Chair to another preferred term such as Advisor)

What you see here is dependent upon the INPUT_TYPE of the field profile.

The default input type for the Committee Chair is "INPUT_CONTACT_SELECT" which provides a dropdown menu with a completely controlled list.  

The default input type for the Non-chairing Committee Members  is "INPUT_CONTACT" which provides an auto suggestion from controlled list, but will also allow new entries that must have email addresses. 
If including email addresses for non-chairing Committee Members is not desired, change the INPUT_TYPE  to INPUT_ TEXT  in the Field Profile of the associated organization workflow.  This will allow an auto suggestion from the controlled list with no prompts for any additional information.  The new value will not become part of the controlled vocabulary list.

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